Friday, September 26, 2014

I'm so delighted to be blogging about one of Miami hottest designer Jacquis Rambeau.
Jacquis has been in the business for a very long time. I remember when I first met Jacquis he was embellishing  jeans using beautiful rhinestones and other accessories. Jacquis kept pushing forward until he launched Broken CELEBRITY iWear and Accessories. Broken CELEBRITY is about mixing the "nerd with the in crowd", driving a Bentley with GoodWill shopping bags in the trunk; it embodies what society considers a "celebrity" and rebels against it. Jacquis recently released his latest collection "STARDOM" that has embodied the "paparazzi" appeal, most are one of a kind or limited edition. This is his fourth collection, and he looks forward to presenting it to the masses. Congrats to Jacquis Rambeau.

For more information visit website


Monday, September 15, 2014

Beyounce and Jay Z has done it again making movies. The power couple has three short films ready to watch made by photographer Dikayl Rimmasch. The concept of these movies are based on Beyounce and Jay-Z alter egos as Bonnie and Clyde. I watched all three, I love the concept. The hair, makeup and wardrobe Beyounce has on is on point. Great job Beyounce and Jay-Z. To watch a clipping click link below.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm very happy to say R&B/POP artist Kyla was live at  StarBoy Studios recording her new song titled Snippet. Star Boy Studios is located in the heart of Miami Gardens with great engineers like "ICE". The sound that was coming from that space was unbelievable, great music is made by talented  artists and  produced by great producers. For all of my talented artists who is looking for somewhere to record visit them. Ice the engineer has been with Star Boy Studios for four years and have a passion for music. See location below

StarBoy Studios
99 NW 183rd St.
Miami Gardens, Florida